Home Schooling

Homeschooled students are welcome to participate in all extracurricular activities offered by the high school. Additionally, they may enroll in classes to complement their home instruction.

Students who wish to enroll in classes should reach out to Denise Sprague in the School Counseling department; students who wish to join a sports team, club, or activity should reach out to Diane Smith in the main office. Please see our “About Us” page to obtain their contact information.

If you would like to withdraw your student and begin homeschooling, please share your intent with your student’s school counselor so he or she can facilitate a smooth transition from school to home. Additionally, a letter signifying your intent to homeschool must be submitted to Christi Michaud, Milford Interim Superintendent of Schools. Proper withdrawal through the superintendent ensures that your student will not be considered truant, thus meeting the compulsory education requirements of the state.