
Assessments are used to gauge
how well students are mastering the standards;
and, ultimately how ready students are
for college and career education and training.

New Hampshire students in grades 3-8 and 11 will take the general statewide assessment for English language arts (ELA)/writing and mathematics.

Grades 3-8 students will take the NH Statewide Assessment System (NH SAS) for ELA/writing and mathematics.

Grade 11 students will take the College Board School Day SAT.

New Hampshire students in grades 5, 8 and 11 will also take the general statewide assessment for science. Grade 11 students will take the NH SAS assessment for Science.

The New Hampshire Department of Education also offers the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) for ELA, mathematics and science as the alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

ACCESS 2.0 is New Hampshire's language proficiency assessment. Federal law requires that all EL students who qualify for English language proficiency services must take the ACCESS 2.0 yearly until the student achieves the exit criteria set by the State.

Helpful links for parents and students
SAT administration – Information and Resources:
Understanding the scores:
SAT Practice through Khan Academy (free, online, individualized SAT practice):
SAT School Day Administration information: