Heather Fortin » Ms. Fortin

Ms. Fortin

Ms. Heather Fortin has been on staff in Milford for 18 years, and previously worked in a psychiatric facility specializing in child and adolescent in-patient services and as a clinical supervisor for a child protection agency in Massachusetts. She holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work.
At MHS, she fully enjoys witnessing the transition from childhood to young adulthood, as adolescence is a time of remarkable change and discovery. This journey, however, is seldom without some bumps in the road.
As a school social worker, she aims to support students as they navigate such hurdles. She works closely with any student looking to overcome social, emotional, or behavioral challenges that may be interfering with their ability to reach their goals. This is done through individual and/or group counseling, psycho-education, crisis intervention, consultation with staff, families, and administration, collateral contacts, resource identification, and service referrals as needed.