ATC/CTE at Milford High School » CTE Partnership for Employers (Internship/Apprenticeship)

CTE Partnership for Employers (Internship/Apprenticeship)

The Milford Applied Technology Center welcomes all industry and community leaders to join us, as we strive to deliver quality career and technical education for students throughout the region.

Collaborating with a Milford CTE program establishes a pipeline for career success for tomorrow's professionals TODAY!

WBL flyer for employers

NH employers who donate time, equipment, and/or money to Milford Applied Technology Center qualify for an easy-to-file tax credit against business profit .

There is a new program, Work! As Learning, which provides a wage match reimbursement to employers offering paid internships to NH high school students. 


50% of wages paid up to $15/hr with a maximum reimbursement of $3600- plus these programs can be combined together for even more savings!


Example for Your Review:

  • Company pays student $15/hr and receives $7.50/hr back for 480 hours through Work! As Learning = $3600 reimbursement
  • If it’s a CTE student, and the company is for-profit, the company gets an additional 50% tax credit through the CTE Tax Credit on wages that have not been reimbursed= $7.50×480= $3600, $3600/2= $1800 tax credit
  • In addition, through the CTE Tax Credit, employers can also be credited 50% of the income of the employee who is supervising the student during that 480 hours of internship.

Students that are approved, for an unpaid work-based learning experience, are covered under the Milford School District PRIMEX insurance policy.  A work-based learning experience is considered a school activity.

types of partnership
supporting student career development
Click on the arrows below to review other types of CTE partnership.
Many CTE Industry and Community Partners have partnered with a CTE program of study to host career development events at their work site.
Site Visits Could Include:
  • Industry Tour of the Workplace
  • Career Speaker Panel on Trending Topics in Industry
  • Provide an On-Site Training or Simulation (Industry Recognized Credential or Industry Project or Case Study)
  • Workforce Promotion Event: Discuss Apprenticeships, Co-Op, or Internships available at your site
  • Employee Orientation for Accepted Apprenticeship or Internship Students
We love collaborating with you... Please feel free to connect with us and brainstorm something new
Mentorship is critical for student career development. Students thrive on a professional connection.
Many Industry and Community partners serve as mentors for a student's CTE classroom experience in the following ways:
  • Workplace Professionals serve as career guests to discuss trends in industry (virtual or in-person)
  • Career Professionals serve as trainers to deliver industry recognized credential for a CTE program
  • Career Professionals lead an industry-based project to enhance career immersion for a CTE program
  • Industry and Community Partners align with a CTE program to advise on career trends, beneficial projects/trainings for student career development, and provide input on the Milford ATC Renovation for classroom improvement.  The Professional Advisory Committee for a CTE program meets once in the fall and once in the spring to help CTE program expansion (virtual or in-person).

The Milford School District can accept a charitable donation for the Milford Applied Technology Center of:

  • Up to 50% of the cost of apprenticeship and training programs offered by the regional CTE center, including compensation of employees in direct supervision and training of a students in a CTE center program.
  • Up to 50% of the salary paid to interns, apprentices, and trainees enrolled in a CTE center program
  • Tangible personal property for a related use by an educational program offered by the regional CTE center.


Click here to access:  CTE Tax Credit Donation Form



What Type of CTE Partnership Works Best for You?



Step 1:  Explore the CTE Program Pathway that best aligns with your scope of professional practice.

  • The Milford ATC video also provides an inside look into CTE student life as they immerse in their pathway of study.
Now that you have determined which CTE program fits your scope of practice, AND you've reviewed ways you can consider serving as a CTE partner, we can set up a time to collaborate.
Your Final Step:  Let's Connect!
Please complete the online form to submit your ideas for possible partnership, any questions, and availability. Our Career Development Specialist will contact you to schedule a collaborative session at your convenience.  Use the button below to complete your form.