ATC/CTE at Milford High School » ATC Director's Page

ATC Director's Page

Welcome to the Applied Technology Center (ATC) at Milford High School (MHS)
My name is Samantha Belcourt and I am the Director of Career and Technical Studies in the Applied Technology Center (ATC) at Milford High School (MHS). Welcome to the ATC website! We are here to support you in succeeding in all your future endeavors!
In Milford, we are very lucky to have the ATC seamlessly integrated with MHS, which means that it is easy for  Milford students to sign up and take classes at the ATC that count towards your graduation goals. You can explore endless future career options that lead to in-demand careers locally and nationally and build a strong foundation, whether you plan to go to a 2-year or 4-year college or join the workforce, the military or anywhere else you are interested in.

The ATC is one of twenty-eight regional Career and Technical Centers (CTE) in the state of New Hampshire offering 2-year CTE programs to students. We offer 9 programs of study, or pathways, as we like to call them. You can take as many classes as you want, in any pathway you want!
Click on Our CTE Programs to explore Milford CTE!

Our curricula are designed in collaboration with our College and Industry Partners so that our students can earn industry recognized certifications as well as dual enrollment credits with many colleges around the state that are easily transferable.

Our teachers have vast experience in their respective industries and can help you explore a variety of careers and gain skills and knowledge through hands-on experiences in problem-solving complex real-world problems. Our classroom and labs are state of the art and contain equipment and use software that is currently used in the industry.
I encourage our students and parents to visit our individual program websites to learn more about the courses we offer in each pathway.
Samantha Belcourt
CTE Director
603-673-4201 x3441