Student Handbook » General Information

General Information


Anyone involved in any type of accident while at school or on a school-sponsored activity must complete an accident report. Forms are available from the school nurse and in the main office.

Occasional assemblies will be scheduled. They are designed to be educational as well as entertaining experiences. They provide one of the few opportunities in school to learn formal audience behavior. Regardless of the type of program, common courtesy demands that the student body be appreciative and respectful. In live entertainment, unlike radio, television, or movies, the performers are very conscious of their audience. Talking, whispering, whistling, and booing are discourteous and unacceptable. Yelling is appropriate only at pep rallies.
The Administration of Milford High School wishes to promote a school environment in which
learning will flourish. It is a policy of the School Administration that the use of any personal
electronic devices such as cellular phones, headphones, Bluetooth ear devices, mobile watches,
iPods, MP3 players, and portable speakers or CD players are not permitted during class time.  Upon
entering a classroom, all such devices must be placed in a backpack or the class pockets. If seen,
devices must be relinquished to the staff member in the designated area upon request..
    • Students using the restroom or hydration stations will not be permitted to retrieve their
      devices at that time. No electronic devices should be used in the hallways during class time.
    • Students claiming they do not have a device but who are seen with a device will have it
      picked up by administration immediately and stored safely until 2:12 pm.  Students refusing
      to turnover their devices or attempting to conceal their device will be sent to the office, their
      device will be collected, they will receive a 1-hour detention, and they will spend the
      remaining class time in Pivot. 
    • Students refusing to turn over their cell phones/devices will have their parent or guardian
      called immediately and be subject to a behavior plan.
    • Students are allowed to use their devices before and after school, during their lunch break, in
      between classes, and at school-related functions as long as they do not create a distraction,
      disruption, or otherwise interfere with the educational environment. At 2:12 pm, devices are
      permitted in all areas of the building.  
    • Devices will not be permitted during Library use, Study Halls, or TASC Periods.
    • If headphones or earbuds are used in the hallway or at lunch, one ear must be left uncovered
      so the student can hear announcements or verbal directions.

Due to possible emergencies, it is vital that the office have up-to-date contact information. If a
student’s address, phone number, parent/guardian contact information, or other important
information change during the school year, please submit this information to the office immediately.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, student and/or parent questions, suggestions, or complaints
should be made in the following order:
    • Teacher and/or staff member
    • Principal
    • Superintendent
    • School Board
If, after discussing the situation with the teacher or staff member, the issue is not resolved to the
student and/or family’s satisfaction, then the issue should be brought to the attention of, and
discussed with, school administration. If the student and/or their family are still not satisfied with
the outcome of the situation, then the matter should be brought to the Superintendent’s attention. If
the matter is not resolved through the first three steps, it should be brought to the attention of the
Milford School Board. If students or parents jump levels, they may be redirected to confer with the
initial level first.

Student conduct at all school activities, including school dances and athletic events, is expected to
be exemplary and to reflect positively on our school. Therefore, the following procedures will be in
effect at these functions:
  • Normal school dress will be expected
  • All school rules and handbook sections will be in effect
  • Students leaving a school function will not be allowed re-admittance
  • Only students of Milford High School and their pre-approved guests will be permitted to
    attend school dances
  • When permitted, any student wishing to bring a guest to a school dance must secure the
    appropriate form from the school, complete it, and return it by the deadline in order for their
    guest to participate

All school policies, procedures, and rules are in effect at all school-sponsored events, regardless of
the location. They are also in effect on school grounds and at school functions after the regular
school day.
Students that skip or cut classes will be marked NP (not participating) in PowerSchool and
will not be eligible for making up missed work or tests. Students will be subject to the
following protocol.
  • 1st infraction - Office administration will issue a 30-minute office detention; student will
    complete a Google form and email it to their parent, and parent will be called
  • 2nd infraction - Office administration will issue a 1-hour office detention; student will
    complete a Google form and email it to their parent, and parent will be called
  • 3rd infraction - Office administration will assign the Pivot Process; student will complete a
    Google form and email it to their parent, and parent will be called
  • 4th infraction - Office administration will assign the Pivot Process; student will complete a
    Google form and email it to their parent, and parent will be called in for a mandatory parent
    meeting to create an Attendance/Behavior Plan
Dress Code
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."
Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct student records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.
Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
    • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
    • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
    • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
    • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
    • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
    • Accrediting organizations;
    • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
    • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
    • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.
In accordance with FERPA, the Milford School District defines directory information as name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and grade level; a student’s parent/guardian name and address; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of athletic teams, date of attendance, degrees, awards, and most recent educational institution attended. Directory information will be released to newspapers, colleges, and military organizations unless parents have provided a written request to refuse this release.
A complete copy of district policy 5020 can be found on the school district website.

All school rules apply on field trips. Student permission slips will be required for all field trips other than regularly scheduled athletic trips. Students should return permission slips in a timely fashion. Students failing to return a signed permission slip will not be permitted to participate. Teachers, in consultation with administration, may preclude a student's attendance from a field trip due to poor academics or behavior. Students not attending a field trip may be given an alternative assignment that will substitute for the grade for attending the field trip.

In order to be good neighbors, it is necessary that students not congregate within sight of the school building either before, during, or after school.

Guests are not allowed during the school day unless for a sound academic purpose. All such guests must be approved by the administration.

The school will attempt to identify and ensure that each child of a homeless individual and each
homeless youth have equal access to educational services. If a homeless youth has been identified
in the school or district, a building liaison is available to provide assistance in getting services. If
your child is living in a shelter or is without a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence,
please reach out to the high school Social Worker, Heather Fortin, or contact the District Homeless
Liaison, Santina Thibedeau at 603-673-6709 for assistance.

The goal of Milford High School is to provide an environment for all students to flourish and feel safe. Knowing which students and staff belong in the school is a major concern warranting the use of identification badges. The MHS ID Badge Policy is as follows:
  • All students must possess and show an authentic MHS badge to enter the building. Once
    inside, the ID can be placed in their pocket or backpack until it is needed for lunch, when on
    a hall pass, or at the request of staff. Failure to produce an ID for any staff member will
    result in an immediate conversation with administration.
  • Students without an ID will enter the temporary ID badge line before entering the building
    and receive one for the day. This will be recorded and tracked. Once a student reaches 5
    temporary IDs, a new ID will be generated at a cost of $2.00 to the student.
  • Students should destroy old badges and not allow other students to use them as this can
    allow fraudulent charges to be made on their lunch accounts.
Students that leave the building without permission will be marked NP in PowerSchool and will not
be eligible for making up missed work or tests. Students will be subject to the following protocol:
  • 1st infraction – Assigned to Pivot Process and parent will be called
  • 2nd infraction – Assigned to Pivot Process and parent meeting
  • 3rd infraction – Pivot Process, parent meeting, and creation of Behavior Plan

School Lockers will be issued at student request.

All lost and found articles should be taken to the Main Office. Students are to report the loss of property to the office as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: Students who bring personal property to school do so at their own risk. The school district is not responsible for the loss/damage of personal property.


The Superintendent/designee shall ensure that all students have access to a healthy school lunch in accordance with RSA189:11-a.
There will not be school-wide free meals this year, so we encourage all families to complete the application for Free & Reduced School Breakfast and Lunch. These can be submitted to the cafeteria at any time during the school year, but processing is quicker if you use this online link: EZMeal App. School personnel are available to assist in filling out the application at 603-673-4201 ext. 3309.
MHS meal prices for 2023-2024:
Breakfast: $1.85
Lunch: $3.25
Free/Reduced (with 2023-2024 application complete): $0.30

The School Lunch Program is designed to offer a number of conveniences for both parents and
students. Deposits of any amount may be made to a student’s personal account, thus reducing the
chance of breakfast and lunch money being forgotten, lost or stolen. While students will still have
the option of paying cash for items as they go through the line, paying in advance will speed
transactions and allow lines to move more quickly. Students should not share their Student ID with
any other student.

The parent or guardian of all accounts with a negative balance will be notified on a weekly basis by
email or other means informing them of the amount due on an account. Arrangements can be made
at the individual schools to bring the account(s) current. If a family is having financial difficulty in
bringing an account current, they will be assisted in applying for free or reduced meals and in
making acceptable payment arrangements.

Note: Students will not be called out of class to accept fast food or food that is delivered to the
building during the school day.

The Milford School District has a focus for students that is not only academic, but also on health
and wellness. Students have opportunities to participate in a wide variety of activities during the
school day and after school, including clubs & sports, walking and running clubs, health & wellness
fairs, Fuel Up to Play 60, etc.

As a part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, the District has implemented the Smart
Snacks in Schools nutrition standards, which promotes the importance of consuming healthier foods
and beverages. The District encourages parents to continue with this vision by providing healthy
options for classroom celebrations recommending low-fat, low-sugar options such as fruit &
veggies or popcorn, or non-food items that are popular with students.

A typical year of holiday and birthday celebrations can mean a number of unhealthy food and
beverage opportunities for children, which can add up quickly. The District asks parents for help in
creating new traditions for celebrations that focus on healthier snack options and non-food items. A
good reference tool for healthy snacks is the “A-List” published by the John Stalker Institute of
Food and Nutrition out of Massachusetts, which includes an analysis of a wide variety of snacks and
beverages. A link to the list is at

All students are expected to clean up after themselves. A student or a group of students at a table who fail to maintain a clean lunchroom environment will be subject to administrative consequences.
Only seniors eating in the courtyard (Tundra) can leave the cafeteria during lunch.

Students should have a pass any time they are in the hallways. The only exception is during class change.

Students who are eighteen (18) years or older and who are living with their parent(s) or guardian(s)
are required to have all notes or documents signed by a parent or guardian. These include, but are
not limited to, field trip permission slips, progress reports, and dismissal notes.

Milford High School uses the Smart Pass System. Students must ask the classroom teacher or
appropriate leader to leave their assigned area. Once permission is granted, students must sign into
their Smart Pass Account and create a pass before leaving the room. Students must turn their
computer to show teachers that their pass has been activated. Excessive or misuse of time will be
dealt with by classroom teachers and administration.
Due to the limited number of student parking spaces available to Milford High School students, on
campus parking is limited to seniors who have obtained a valid, current, school issued parking

Any student car parked on campus without a permit may be towed at the owner’s expense without
warning. Signage around campus indicates designated student parking areas. Students who do not
observe safe driving practices on school property will be subject to suspension of their right to drive
on school property, possible prosecution, and loss of parking permit.

Student drivers are expected to obey all traffic rules regarding flow of traffic and speed limits.
Students are reminded that parking on campus is a privilege, not a right. As part of this privilege,
students consent to having their vehicle searched if there is reasonable suspicion that a violation of
school rules or the law exists.

School bus transportation is intended to provide student transportation from home to school and
from school to home. Students assigned to a bus should ride that bus only, EXCEPT in extenuating
circumstances as determined by school administration in consultation with a parent/guardian. Any
student needing to ride a different bus after school, or needing to get off at a different stop, must
have a bus pass which will be granted ONLY by an administrator. Requests should be made at the
start of the day the alternative stop is needed. Bus transportation is not to be used to spend the
afternoon with a friend, or attend appointments or lessons of any kind, etc. Families need to make
other arrangements for these types of activities.

Students attending school events, athletic events, and/or field trips sponsored by the school which
require students to be transported to and from the event/field trip shall be required to take the same
mode of transportation home from the event.

Parents may drive their own children home after a field trip, school sponsored event, or athletic
event. If they wish to transport children other than their own, Milford School District Policy 2315
regarding Student Transportation Management must be followed. Several requirements must be
met in order to receive prior written authorization from the Superintendent or designee. The
requirements include, but are not limited to, proof of valid insurance, valid vehicle inspection, valid
operator’s license, valid vehicle registration, a criminal record check, and written permission from
the parent/guardian of each child being transported.

Requests for written prior authorization must be made to the Superintendent or designee at least
one week prior to the day of the event, field trip, or athletic event to allow for processing of the
required information. Requests made the day of an event cannot be honored unless in the case of an
emergency. Parents that provide transportation for children other than their own without written
prior authorization of the Superintendent or designee do so at their own risk, expense, and liability.
A complete copy of district policy 2315 can be found on the school district website or can be obtained in the Main Office.
Students must attend their study hall every day. Skipped or cut study halls will be treated as a
regular Class Cut. Bathroom passes will be one per room based on Smart Pass availability.
Multiple students are not allowed to leave the room. Students are not allowed to visit other teachers
during study hall time. Students can pre-arrange to take tests or make up work during study hall
time. Work or tests must be sent to the study hall teacher prior to the beginning of class. Students
may obtain a pass to the Library for research purposes and all Smart Pass procedures apply.
The following procedures will apply to students who violate these procedures:
  • 1st infraction - Office administration will issue a 30-minute office detention; student will
    complete a Google form and email it to their parent, and parent will be called
  • 2nd infraction - Office administration will issue a 1-hour office detention; student will
    complete a Google form and email it to their parent, and parent will be called
  • 3rd infraction - Office administration will assign the Pivot Process; student will complete a
    Google form and email it to their parent, and parent will be called
  • 4th infraction - Office administration will assign the Pivot Process; student will complete a
    Google form and email it to their parent, and parent will be called in for a mandatory parent
    meeting to create an Attendance Plan
All standard school rules apply to TASC
  • Mondays - All students will remain in their assigned TASC classroom for the entire period.
    Bathroom passes will be one per room based on Smart Pass availability. Multiple students
    are not allowed to leave the room. Acceptable reasons to be out of TASC on Monday are
    having a pass to Student Services, the Main Office, Nurse, or Bathroom. Students are not to
    visit other teachers or other areas on Mondays. Students should use their calendar to remind
    them of their TASC schedule or have the PowerSchool app on their phone.
  • Tuesday through Friday - Students must attend the TASC to which they are scheduled. If
    students need to change their TASC schedule, it must be done in PowerSchool prior to the
    beginning of that day. If a student is present in a room they are not assigned to, they must
    be referred to the office immediately. This will be considered a cut and the Cut Classes
    procedures above will take effect.

All visitors are required to check in at the main entrance before entering the building and obtain a
pass. All visitors will be required to show proof of identification.
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